
Showing posts from February, 2018

February 8th, 2018

It was a pretty light day as a lot of people had a good amount of homework due tomorrow. We worked on putting the finishing touches on the carriage, and should be able to mount it once the plates are done. The pistons from automation direct should arrive Monday and we should be able to fully test the robot. The main thing we need to figure out is how to mount the sprockets for the 2nd stage chain run. We will manual mill them tomorrow and hopefully install them. I worked with Chloe on mounting the chain to the first stage by measuring out the hole pattern then bolting it to the carriage. We then attached the 4-40 bolts to secure it to the chain. We also installed the elevator gearbox, which unfortunately will require some of the electrical parts to be relocated which is a pain.

February 7th, 2018

We are trying to get one robot complete so we can test it a little before putting it in the bag. We finished the gearboxes for the elevator and they are looking good. The McMaster order arrived so we riveted a lot of stuff. Bumpers for the practice bot were completed, and I think we have a good way of fastening the bumpers. Intake had the pistons for the 11/13 dimension intake arrived, and we installed them. Electrical kept wiring up the 12 775pros in both robots. Hopefully today we get the second chain run rigged up.

February 6th, 2018

Back in the lab for another meeting, had pretty bad turnout but whatever. Machinists ran the last couple plates so we are pretty set on that. I honestly don’t know what is taking so long, it’s just there are a lot of tasks that all need to be done. Bumpers got closer to completion and another 2nd stage for the elevator is closer to completion. We lost the 775pro vent spacers so we couldn’t finish that today, but we will tomorrow.

February 5th, 2018

Today we worked on just trying to get a finished and working robot. We assembled the second carriage, and the plates were also milled and attached. Rohan was milling the right angle brackets that interface with the chain, and Arusha tapped them with the tiny 4-40 tap. She broke one however; good thing we have extras! I think both the battery mounts were completed which is good. One issue was that the inner carriage has about 1/16 of play, which is a pretty big issue. We tried shortening the gab with some plastic taped to the elevator, but I think we will need to mill new plates to adapt and fix the issue.

February 4th, 2018

We made a TON of progress today. We completed the drivetrain and now have working encoders. Joel and the programming team got right to setting up closed loop driving and started testing the autonomous paths. Over on the field construction side it was finally assembled for the first time and it is quite impressive. All the 2x1 for both robots was completed, and we will have most of the plates back from 299 this week. One elevator was assembled, and it feels quite smooth. Battery mounts were also created. Looking to have a productive week and power through.

February 2nd, 2018

Since today was the opening of the new theater we had to close the lab at 6 which is a little annoying. However, we finished up the long 2x1s for the second stage which is really good. We can start assembling that tomorrow which I am pretty excited for. We wanted to finish the drivetrain by today, but we got held up with the constraining of the output shafts and had to redo some of them. In addition, the chains were created to connect all the wheels.

February 1st, 2018

Both outer carriages for the elevators were completed as much as we could. We had an issue with the mis ordered socket head bolts causing clearance issues, so we milled them down on the cnc and we are looking good now. Gearboxes are coming along now, and we should have a drivetrain by tomorrow. Only one pic.

January 31st, 2018

With one elevator structure bolted together, we began work on attaching the plates that mount the bearings. They all fit together pretty nicely which was really nice to see. However, some of the plates were tapped to 10-32 when the should have been to ¼-20. Thankfully it was not the other way, and we were able to fix them pretty quickly. Rahul started work on the other elevator which is running into some precision issues. We milled one side on the CNC while the other side was done on the drill press, so one side was slightly off. However, it was set up that the correct holes were drilled out for a bolt clearance and the slightly off holes will be the ones guiding the bolts which may cause an issue. We also started fully assembling gearboxes which is also good.